Presentation: ‘Rusli and the Concept of the Artist as Cosmopolitan Poet’

November 8, 2022, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Photo: Caroline Brendel.

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Conference: ‘The Makings of Art from Southeast Asia and the Problems of Colonial Legacies’

Location: Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia.

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Workshop: ‘Curatorial Currents from the South-East: Jakarta to Bandung’

Workshop participants at Soemardja Gallery in Bandung.

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Panel: ‘Politics of Memory in a Changing State: documenta fifteen, Colonial Legacies and Entangled Histories’

Location: Framer Framed, Amsterdam.

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Conversation: ‘Indonesian art and artists in the time of the Revolusi’

Location: Bonnefanten, Maastricht.

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Talk: ‘Postcolonial Memory Activation’

Location: Center for Curatorial Studies Bard College

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Film Premiere: ‘Stones Have Laws’


Location: IDFA @ Eye Filmmuseum

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Symposium: ‘The Production and Circulation of Indonesian Modern Art’

Location: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

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Presentation: ‘The Exhibition as Indonesian Revolutionary Weapon’

Location: Courtauld Institute of Art, London.

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Talk: ‘Remco Torenbosch – The Politics and Poetics of Landscapes’


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Presentation: ‘Artists’ Film Screening’

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Curatorial Project: ‘The Mindful’

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