Workshop: ‘Curatorial Currents from the South-East: Jakarta to Bandung’

Workshop participants at Soemardja Gallery in Bandung.

Curatorial workshop for emerging curators from Bandung, West Java and beyond

The workshop CURATORIAL CURRENTS FROM THE SOUTH-EAST: FROM BANDUNG TO JAKARTA responds to the questions posed within the Symposium “The Makings of Art in Southeast Asia and the Problems of Colonial Legacies” through a research-led program on exhibitionary histories in and beyond Bandung and West Java related to the regional art world legacies of Afro-Asian solidarity. It is led by the curators Kathleen Ditzig, Dian Arumningtyas, Kerstin Winking, and Anissa Rahadiningtyas, and hosted by the Goethe-Institut Bandung and the Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Constellated through two events-exhibitions, the 1955 Afro-Asian conference and the Contemporary Art of the Non-aligned Countries: Unity in Diversity in International Art (Jakarta, 1995), the workshop will bring together emerging curators, artists, and researchers who will review these exhibitions, cultural events, and others as an impetus to ‘think curatorially’ in an expanded sense. Encouraged to think of the curatorial act as ecological, these events are a means to inspire a study of and commentary upon contemporary curatorial practices and urgencies in Bandung.

Moreover, these events provide participants the fodder for considering the intellectual and cultural reach of the Afro-Asian conference held in Bandung in 1955 and how the subsequent retrospective imaginations of the event and Asian solidarity have colored regional art historical and curatorial practices in relation to Indonesia and to the wider constitution of Southeast Asia and its diasporas.

Participants will be encouraged to develop personal archives and curatorial research projects documenting exhibitions from Bandung and West Java of their choice and to use these research objects to speak to a contemporary issue in Bandung’s cultural landscape.

In situating a curatorial workshop through the study of local and regional exhibitionary histories, the workshop will address questions that resonate with the symposium such as “What are the lingering curatorial issues stemmed from the colonial mode of knowledge production?” and “How do we build a grassroots community-based knowledge and how do we have a more sustainable mode of curatorial work, especially for independent curators?” In addition, the workshop will cultivate critical research and discursive skills in participants.

Curatorial Response

November, 10th 2022, 11.00-12.30 at Soemardja Galeri

Organizers: Kathleen Ditzig (National Gallery Singapore); Dian Arumningtyas (Indeks); Kerstin Winking (independent curator); Anissa Rahadiningtyas (National Gallery Singapore); Caroline Brendel (Goethe-Institut Bandung); Lukman Hakim (Goethe-Institut Bandung)

Speakers:  T.K. Sabapathy; Jim Supangkat; Naoko Shimazu; Grace Samboh (independent curator); Danuh Tyas Pradipta (Galeri Soemardja); Vincent Rumahloine (Rakarsa Foundation)

Participants: Rama Saputra, Arie Syarifuddin, Clarissa Tifanny, Diaz Ramadhansyah, Gie Sanjaya, Haikal Al Farisi, Karina Roosvita, Hilmy Fadiansyah, Muslimaniati, Yuramia Oksilasari